Entries by 行政人员

Digital Customs: How to speed up the international cargo customs clearance process?

Hello, everyone! Welcome to TikTok channel. Today, we’re diving into a crucial topic – Digital Customs: How to expedite the international cargo clearance process? In the comments, I’ll share the core advantages of digital customs and how it accelerates the clearance of international cargo. If you’re interested in cargo clearance efficiency or want to understand […]

International supply chain crisis management: finding opportunities from dangers

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the TikTok channel. Today, we’re going to discuss the topic: “International Supply Chain Crisis Management: Finding Opportunities in Challenges.” When the international supply chain faces a crisis, it’s not just a challenge but also the starting point for opportunities. In this video, we will delve into how to effectively manage the […]

International logistics risk management in the era of anti-globalization

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the TikTok channel. Today, we’re discussing risk management in international logistics during an era of deglobalization. With changes in the global landscape, international logistics faces new challenges. In this video, I’ll break down how businesses can effectively manage various risks in international logistics in the face of deglobalization, ensuring the smooth […]

The key role of international freight forwarding services in the global trade chain

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the TikTok channel. Today, we’re talking about the crucial role of international freight forwarding services in the global trade chain. International freight forwarders act as the silent movers and shakers of the global trade chain. They function like bridges connecting the world, providing end-to-end logistics services for import and export businesses. […]

In the new retail era, how does international logistics meet consumers’ immediate needs?

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the TikTok channel. Today, we’re discussing how international logistics meets consumers’ demands for immediacy in the era of new retail. Shopping is no longer just about buying things; it’s an experience. International logistics plays a crucial role in new retail by providing efficient services, ensuring you get your desired products in […]

Sharing of best practices in cross-border e-commerce logistics cooperation

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the TikTok channel. Today, we’re sharing the best practices in logistics collaboration for cross-border e-commerce, hoping to provide insights for your development in this field. In the comments, I’ll be mentioning some success stories and collaboration strategies, discussing how both parties can efficiently work together, overcome challenges, and achieve mutual benefits. […]

The profound impact and changes of the global epidemic on the international logistics industry

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the TikTok channel. Today, we’re delving into a highly discussed topic – The profound impact and transformation of the global pandemic on the international logistics industry. In the comments, I’ll be sharing insights into how the pandemic has significantly affected global supply chains, logistics transportation, and the flow of goods. If […]

Development trends of the international shipping industry: ship technology and green energy

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the TikTok channel. Today, we’re diving into a fascinating topic – Trends in the international shipping industry: Maritime technology and green energy. In the comments, I’ll share the latest trends in new technologies and sustainable energy in the shipping industry. If you’re interested in the integration of maritime technology and eco-friendly […]