International Logistics: Understanding the Process of Global Goods Flow

supply chain partners, managing operational risks

Hello everyone! Today, we’re going to understand the process of global goods circulation. As an important aspect of international logistics, goods circulation refers to the transportation and delivery of goods from the place of production to the final destination. Let’s take a look at some key elements in this process!

Firstly, the place of origin is where the goods start their journey. It can be a production facility, warehouse, or port. After packaging and labeling preparations are completed at the place of origin, the goods move on to the next stage.

The second stage is transportation. Goods can be transported using different modes such as sea freight, air freight, rail transportation, and road transportation. The appropriate mode of transportation is selected based on the nature of the goods and the requirements of the destination.

The next stage is transshipment and consolidation. In international logistics, many goods require transshipment and consolidation points for transfer. These points can be ports, freight terminals, warehouses, etc., where goods are transferred from the place of origin to the destination.

Next is customs procedures and clearance. In cross-border goods circulation, goods need to go through customs inspections and approvals. This includes declaration, customs clearance, payment of duties, etc., to ensure legal import and export of goods and compliance with relevant regulations and standards.

The final stage is distribution and delivery. After the goods arrive at the destination, they undergo final distribution and delivery. This can involve delivering the goods to the customer’s hands or handing them over to other logistics partners for further transportation.

To summarize, the process of global goods circulation includes preparation at the place of origin, transportation, transshipment and consolidation, customs procedures and clearance, as well as distribution and delivery. Understanding these stages helps us gain a better understanding of the operations of international logistics.

#英文版标签:International Logistics #Goods Circulation #Transportation Modes #Transshipment and Consolidation #Customs Procedures #Distribution and Delivery